Porcelain Veneers in Wellington, FL
What are porcelain veneers?
Porcelain veneers are thin shells of ceramic that bond directly to the front surfaces of the teeth. They are an ideal choice for improving your smile and have become increasingly popular due to their simplicity and versatility.
Placing custom veneers requires a high degree of technical skill as well as attention to cosmetic detail. We place veneers routinely, and design each case individually to match and enhance the characteristics of each patient’s smile.
Will they look like normal teeth?
When bonded to the teeth, the ultra-thin porcelain veneers are virtually undetectable and highly resistant to coffee, tea, or even cigarette stains. Their translucency matches that of a natural tooth. For strength and appearance, their resemblance to healthy, white tooth enamel is unsurpassed by other restorative options.
Imagine Yourself with a More Beautiful Smile
High quality porcelain veneers placed by Dr. Lopez-Belio can improve your smile. Contact us today!
Minimally invasive dentistry
Some people think we need to cut the teeth down for porcelain veneers. Not always. There are cases when teeth do not have to be reduced at all or very slightly. These are known as no-prep veneers.
How durable are porcelain veneers?
With proper care, porcelain veneers will brighten your smile for years to come. Porcelain veneers are extremely durable.
Dr. Lopez-Belio will ensure that your veneers are crafted from the highest quality porcelains and are bonded with the most advanced and proven materials available. We pride ourselves in only using the top dental laboratories in the country!
Before & After Porcelain Veneers:

Before & After – More Success Stories:
“Dr. Marisol Lopez-Belio is a true professional. For years, I have not been fond of my smile and felt very self conscious. While I went regularly for dental cleanings and check ups, I was still having tooth sensitivity which I thought I would just have to accept. A friend highly recommended Dr. Marisol Lopez-Belio and so my dental adventure began. After the first few visits there were no more sensitivities and soon thereafter I was no longer afraid to smile. In fact, I love to smile! Dr. Marisol Lopez-Belio made the experience very pleasant. I couldn’t be happier!” Cyndy
Minimally Invasive Dentistry:
Before & After no-prep veneers (teeth were not reduced!):

Smile Analysis
Do You Agree With the Following Statements:
- I wish the color of my teeth were whiter.
- I wish I had a broader smile.
- I think some of my teeth are too small.
- I think some of my teeth are too large.
- I wish my teeth were straighter.
- I think my gums show too much when I smile.
- I think there is too much space between some of my teeth.
- I sometimes hesitate to smile because of my teeth.
- I wish I could change some of the features of my smile.
- I would like to know the options available for enhancing my smile
- I have concerns over what the end result might look like.
- I have concerns over fees involved in pursuing cosmetic dentistry.
Imagine Yourself with a More Beautiful Smile
High quality porcelain veneers placed by Dr. Lopez-Belio can improve your smile. Contact us today!